Payment SecurityAre You Doing All You Should to Protect Your Customers’ Data?

Georg Turner
Georg Turner | March 19, 2025 | 7 min read

This featured video was created using artificial intelligence. The article, however, was written and edited by actual payment experts.

What is Payment Security?

In a Nutshell

eCommerce connects buyers and sellers all over the globe… and electronic payment methods are what make eCommerce possible. Of course, what makes shopping easier for us also gives cybercrooks another opportunity to rip us off. In this post we look at ways to safeguard your payments processes and protect shoppers when they buy from you.

Payments Security: Tools, Tips, & Best Practices for Merchants

As a merchant, you’re in the business of selling. Right?

The trick is getting consumers to buy from you, and not a competitor. To do that, you have to offer something: better prices, wider selection, free shipping, or anything that makes your store more attractive.

Some of these offerings may be market-driven, but some are non-negotiable. At the top of that list is payment security. 

Payment security consists of all the rules, tools, and protocols you use to protect the integrity of your business transactions. This includes securing transmissions, preventing fraud, and defending customers’ personal data against cybercriminals. The overall goal is to lock out the bad guys while still allowing customers to make legit purchases. Oh, and you want to accomplish this with as little friction as possible, so buyers won’t get frustrated and abandon ship.

Source: LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Admittedly, it’s a tall order: fraudsters seem to be developing new tricks and technology on a daily basis. Effective payment security is never going to be an off-the-shelf, “set it and forget it” endeavor. It takes a long-term, multifaceted approach that combines advanced tools, best practices, and ongoing vigilance. So let’s take a look at some of the things your plan should contain.

Did You Know?

While we’ll primarily be talking about elements businesses should incorporate into their security plans, these are generally the same things a consumer should look for when paying a merchant.

Elements of Payment Security: Cybersecurity

To start with, there are security factors that should be built into your payments system already. If you’re missing any, now would be a good time to learn more about them.

PCI DSS Compliance 

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard — or “PCI DSS” — is a list of guidelines  designed to help organizations safely handle credit card information. It was created by the major card networks with the goal of maintaining secure standards for consumers’ personal account data.

“Guidelines designed to help” makes it sound like PCI DSS is just a suggestion, but that’s not actually the case. PCI-DSS Compliance is mandatory for any organization that accepts credit card payments. In fact, if a data breach occurs, penalties can go as high as $500,000 per incident, on top of $15-25 penalties for each account number involved.

Learn more about PCI compliance

Network Security & Firewalls

You can’t protect anyone — including yourself — if your payments network isn’t secure.

Firewalls are like digital barriers between your business and cyberattacks that could compromise your internal network payment systems. They can be useful for traffic filtering, virus detection, alerting you to unauthorized access, and many other areas of fraud prevention. It’s one of the most straight-forward tool you can have to protect your network.

Other security could include segmenting your networking, restricting employee access when possible, and making sure your site works on a secure sockets layer.

Firewalls are just one way of protecting your business from the impacts of fraud. We know a few more.REQUEST A DEMO


Tokenization works by hiding important transaction details when they’re being transmitted to other parties.

Essentially, you’re temporarily replacing sensitive info like account numbers with unique generated codes, or tokens. During the transaction, the token is the only thing that gets transmitted. 

The token acts as a reference to the real data, but is ultimately meaningless on its own. The codes are completely random, so they can’t be reverse-engineered. And even if a crook could decode it, the token is only good for that one transaction.

Learn more about tokenization


Like tokenization, encryption involves converting sensitive payment card data into an encoded cryptogram for transmission. There’s a difference, though: while the code is unique to that specific transaction, it can only be deciphered using the corresponding decryption key. And the only ones who have the key are the payment processor and you (at least in theory).

It’s like locking the data in a safe before you send it. Since no one else knows the combination, the data is locked and inaccessible, even if the transmission was hijacked en route.

Learn more about encryption

Elements of Payment Security: Customer Authentication

You want to set up things on your end to keep fraudsters out of your data. That said, a big part of digital payments security is authenticating your buyers, too.

But, how can you double-check customer IDs when you never actually meet face to face?

Customer verification demands the use of a variety of tools to confirm that the person on the other end of the order is actually who they say they are. There are several authentication methods you can deploy; you’re probably already aware of at least a few of these:


Passwords are the most recognized form of user authentication. That doesn’t mean it’s the best method, though.

Requiring users to enter a specific username and password code can be effective, but only if the code is long, random, and complex. Unfortunately, most consumers go with simple, easily-guessed passwords, which is hardly better than having no password at all.

One-Time Passwords

A one-time password (OTP) does the same basic job as a static password. They just work exponentially better.

OTPs are algorithmically generated codes. In many cases, they can be used in tandem with a traditional name and static password. When the user attempts to log in, your site automatically sends them an additional code to further verify their identity. As you might suspect, the codes are valid for only one login.

Biometric Authentication

Biometrics is the use of unique physical attributes (fingerprints, face recognition, voice recognition, etc.) to validate the user’s ID identity.

Biometrics are much stronger than traditional passwords. But, while it’s nearly impossible to replicate that sort of thing, biometrics are still commonly used in conjunction with an additional form of authentication, such as a password, just to add additional security.

Learn more about biometric authentication
Did You Know?

Along with confirming the identity of customers, authentication can also mean verifying the ID of internal employees accessing payment systems.


With online payment security, you can't see the card or the cardholder. Card verification values (CVV) are a way to check that the buyer actually has possession of the physical payment card they’re trying to use.

This 3- or 4-digit code cannot be saved in your database; it’s only available on the card itself. If the user can’t enter the correct code, the order is typically cancelled.

Learn more about CVV verification

Address Verification Service

Address Verification Service (AVS) is another commonly used fraud prevention tool.

To verify a buyer, it automatically compares the billing address the buyer enters against whatever address the issuer has on file. Matching addresses are OK’d, while mismatches are flagged as potential fraud.

Of course, consumers do have orders shipped to addresses other than their own in a lot of cases. So, while AVS can be effective, it's not perfect.

Learn more about address verification

3-D Secure

The 3-domain secure (3DS) structure is yet another standardized way of authenticating card transactions.

Customers can create and assign a password to their card that must be verified whenever a transaction is processed on a 3DS-enabled site. Shoppers are prompted to enter their pre-registered code at checkout. If they cannot enter their password correctly, they may be required to complete an extra step of verification.

Learn more about 3DS

Major card brands all have their own proprietary name for their 3DS tool. Visa, for example, uses Visa Secure, while Mastercard offers Identity Check (formerly Mastercard SecureCode).

Elements of Payment Security: Fraud Detection & Monitoring

Having the perfect payment protection program in place today doesn’t mean you’re safe tomorrow. Staying one step ahead of cybercriminals is an ongoing endeavor which requires constant monitoring, analyzing, and adaptation to new threats.

Fraud Scoring

Fraud detection is critically important as a way of proactively mitigating the risk of financial losses. Advanced systems use artificial intelligence and machine learning, refining the ability to identify emerging fraud patterns and flag anomalies such as:

  • Orders that vary from historical norms for that customer
  • Unusually high ticket prices
  • Multiple similar orders for the same customer
  • Multiple identical orders for different customers
  • Payments to blacklisted countries, or fraud-prevelant areas
Learn more about fraud scoring

Any of the above protocols offer some level of payment security online. Taking a multi-factor authentication (MFA) approach, however, adds an extra layer of security by necessitating two or more elements of verification from the customer, such as both a password and a fingerprint.

Learn more about multifactor authentication

Data Analysis & Manual Auditing

Maintaining the most effective payment security means you need a way of keeping an eye on your payments system. Transactions need to be monitored in real time, so that any unusual behavior can be addressed quickly.

Consistent monitoring, though, also means a consistent flow of incoming information. Part of your payment security plan is analyzing this information and trying to spot anomalies, deviations, or patterns. Yes, you can (and should) have software that does the heavy lifting. But, it’s always a good idea for reports to be seen with human eyes.

A Final Thought

With the right tools, you can build a pretty solid security wall around your data and processes. That helps protect both your customer and your business from most types of fraud.

Unfortunately, prevention efforts aren’t going to work well with chargeback (friendly) fraud. Why? Because it happens days or even weeks after the transaction in question.

One thing to consider adding to your payment security plan is a comprehensive chargeback management strategy customized to your business. Contact us today to learn more.


What does payment security mean?

Payment security refers to the specific tools, practices, and security measures merchants put in place to safeguard cardholder data that is stored, transmitted, or being processed.

What is the best payment security?

The best payment security comes from an integrated security system built around best practices like tokenization, data encryption, PCI DSS compliance, and consistent monitoring, among other factors.

Is payment security worth it?

Yes. A well-planned security strategy keeps confidential data — both yours and your customers’ — secure, preventing unauthorized access that could potentially lead to fraud/chargeback losses or even lawsuits.

What is the safest way to accept payments?

Despite the negative press they receive, credit cards are still considered one of the safest ways to pay. While there is no single payment method that is the safest under all circumstances, card payment security protects your buyers, plus offers comprehensive – and established – post-transaction fraud protection. ACH and virtual credit cards are also among the safest payment types.

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