Velocity ChecksA Critical Component of Your Fraud Prevention Strategy

September 26, 2022 | 11 min read

velocity check

In a Nutshell

Velocity checks are a fraud prevention tool designed to monitor the pace at which buyers submit transactions. If you’re out to craft the most comprehensive fraud prevention strategy possible, this article will explain everything you need to know about velocity checks, including why you should integrate them as soon as possible.

Velocity Checks: One of the 10 Key Fraud Prevention Tools

When we talk about fraud, it’s important to remember that it’s not a singular, static problem with just one solution. Effective fraud management demands a multilayer approach, deploying a variety of tactics to attack fraud from multiple angles.

For instance, did you know that a fraudster who submits an unauthorized transaction is probably not the same person who stole a cardholder’s information?

Fraudsters usually buy stolen cardholder information in bulk from hackers. They also run numerous transactions in quick succession, with the aim being to get as much value out of the data as possible before being detected.

So, if that’s the case, you could stop many fraud attacks — or at least minimize losses — by deploying a tool to restrict the number of transactions a user can submit at a time. That’s why velocity checks should become a cornerstone of your anti-fraud strategy.

What are Velocity Checks?

Velocity Checks

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Velocity checks (sometimes referred to as “velocity limits”) are a fraud prevention mechanism widely used by eCommerce merchants. The tool is designed to flag potential fraud based on the rate at which a buyer submits multiple transactions.

Many of the card numbers that fraudsters buy will be invalid. Knowing this, they typically “test” the cards by trying to run repeated transactions. If the transaction is declined, they know the card information is invalid. If it’s accepted, though, then they have a finite window of time in which to use the stolen information before the cardholder discovers the abuse.

When fraudsters find a valid card number, they’ll typically max out the card. They run repeated transactions in an attempt to get as much out of the stolen data as possible. The result: they get away with a cache of stolen information, while you get slammed with chargebacks.

If a fraudster uses your shop to test cards or to run transactions using a working card, you’re the one who ends up footing the bill. You’ll face chargebacks once the cardholders discover the fraud and will be responsible for the resulting fees, lost revenue, and additional costs. This is where velocity checks come in.

Velocity checks are designed to scan the information submitted with each transaction and flag repeated submissions of the same information in a designated time period. This allows you to segment out suspicious transactions. You can identify cases in which a fraudster might be engaged in card testing, or trying to run multiple transactions with a valid card number.

This technology lets you review customer data based on a variety of factors including:

  • Email Address
  • First/Last Name
  • Device
  • IP Address
  • Billing Address
  • Shipping Address
  • Card Number

How Do Velocity Checks Work?

Velocity limits can be implemented according to two specific indicators:

Velocity Checks

Credit Card
Velocity Checking

These velocity checking rules are linked to the use of specific cardholder information over a period of time. The system is designed to flag any suspicious transaction volume with regard to the credit card being used.

Velocity Checks

Velocity Checking

Velocity IP checking tracks the number of attempts that have been recorded from a particular IP address over a short period of time. These systems can flag repeated submissions from the same IP address.

Velocity checks establish a correlation between users and actions (or combinations thereof). These data points are then ranked by a complex system of algorithms to determine a regularity function. This function is then compared against an element of time.

In English, this means the velocity algorithm compares historical user data against current transaction data. This is done in the context of a pre-programmed ruleset. For example, if a user initiates a bunch of transactions in rapid succession which contradicts historical data for that customer, the transaction will be flagged.

A secondary component of this system would entail a customer initiating transactions that trigger the predetermined ruleset in any meaningful way. For instance, a handful of purchases made outside of regional operating hours, several purchases made in unusually small increments, etc. These data points can be found using sources like device fingerprinting and canvas fingerprinting.

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4 Steps to Deploy Velocity Limits

To date, there are countless combinations of velocity rules that you can apply to filter out questionable users or transactions. That said, fraud detection platforms offering velocity checks typically follow specific steps:

Identification of Relevant Data

Providers can access historical transactions in several ways, but the most logical for velocity-checking purposes is through machine learning. This technology can identify and display information at near-immediate speed. This information is critical for crafting your velocity ruleset.

Establishing Velocity Rules

Virtually any combination of data points, timeframes, and user data may be applied via conclusions reached in the first step.

Applying Velocity Rules

Once the initial rules are established by the merchant or provider, the system will run constant velocity checks to assess user behaviors.

Trigger Response

When the rules and conditions outlined in steps one and two warrant a velocity response, a predetermined result will be triggered. For instance:

  • Rejecting a transaction
  • Blocking the user from future transactions
  • Flagging the user as high-risk
  • Asking users to verify their identity

Once the machine has done its work, it’s up to you to decide how to proceed. This is a fairly swift process that occurs in just seconds, with limited friction introduced at checkout.

The Importance of Velocity Checks

The beauty of velocity checks is how customizable they are. You literally get to pick and choose which combinations of fraud indicators are most relevant for your business, and how you want to respond to each instance.

Additionally, when implemented wisely, controls can have a profound impact on our understanding of fraudster behaviors. They can also provide a benchmark for responding to and fighting back against friendly fraud. Indeed, velocity rules can help identify several threats, such as:

All that said, it’s never wise to rely on one anti-fraud tool at a time. There could be a potential downside to this software if not deployed correctly.

Velocity Checks & False Positives

Unfortunately, no anti-fraud solution is perfect on its own. There’s a genuine risk that velocity checks could generate false positives and stop legitimate buyers from completing purchases. The odds of this happening are low, but it’s possible if you’re over-relying on these checks as an indicator.

Velocity checks should operate as a cumulative indicator. You shouldn’t necessarily reject a transaction based on a single data element that happens to show up multiple times. For instance, let’s say you have multiple purchasers with the same name or living in the same building. If you relied solely on one data element to judge whether that transaction was fraudulent, you might end up rejecting both of these legitimate buyers.

The key to making this technology work is having relevant data elements and leveraging them properly. When you use velocity checks, there are three basic components you’re monitoring. First, there’s the individual data element, then the number of transactions in which that data element is present. Finally, there’s the time frame in which those transactions are submitted.

There isn’t a clear standard for all merchants across the board that can determine whether the activity should be flagged and reviewed manually for potential fraud. Instead, you should adapt the tool to flag transactions based on what makes sense for your business.

Is it common for your customers to complete several transactions within a 24-hour time frame? Or for the same customer to buy the same item several times? Do you often see multiple transactions using the same address, but different payment methods?

How you set the parameters for velocity controls will determine how effective the tools will be. Going a step further, adopting a multi-layered strategy will be the key to your fraud prevention success.

A Multi-Tiered Strategy is Best

Even with precision-tuned velocity checks in place, you still won’t be able to intercept every fraudulent transaction that comes your way.

A single fraud prevention tool can stop some bad actors, but it won’t be able to stop every scammer. This is because fraud is a dynamic and constantly-evolving problem. Fraudsters can use a variety of different tactics and approaches to steal from you and your customers.

This doesn’t imply that you should write off velocity checks. It simply means you shouldn’t rely solely on velocity checks as a singular fraud indicator.

In the examples we used above, we advised against using a single data element to judge whether a transaction was or wasn’t fraudulent. The same goes for individual fraud prevention tools. You should think of velocity checks as just one part of a larger fraud management strategy.

Velocity checks work best alongside other fraud prevention tools as part of a broader strategy. For instance, you could adopt:

Learn more about fraud detection tools

All these fraud management tools and tactics should be examined in context by submitting each transaction to dynamic fraud scoring. This will produce a simple, data-driven figure determining the relative risk each transaction poses. You can then reject risky transactions automatically, or on a case-by-case basis.

Velocity Controls Can’t Detect All Fraud Sources

While it’s important to use velocity checks and other tools to identify and prevent fraud before the sale, you need to be aware of fraud that occurs after the sale, too.

Friendly fraud is projected to represent more than 60% of all chargebacks by 2023. Velocity checks can’t address this problem because the fraud is post-transactional in nature. For friendly fraud, your best bet is to engage in tactical chargeback representment.

Have additional questions about chargeback management? Want to learn how you can implement velocity checks as part of your fraud management strategy? Click below and speak to one of our experts today.


What is a velocity check?

Velocity checks (sometimes referred to as “velocity limits”) are a fraud prevention mechanism widely used by eCommerce merchants. The tool is designed to flag potential fraud based on the rate at which a buyer submits multiple transactions.

What is a credit card velocity check?

These velocity checking rules are linked to the use of specific cardholder information over a period of time. The system is designed to flag any suspicious transaction volume with regard to the credit card being used.

What is a velocity IP check?

Velocity IP checking tracks the number of actions, transactions, or attempts that have been recorded from a particular IP address over a short period of time.

How do velocity checks work?

The algorithm behind velocity limit technology compares historical user data against current transactional data under the observable context of a pre-programmed ruleset. For example, if a user initiates a bunch of transactions in rapid succession which contradicts historical data for that customer, the transaction will be flagged for review.

Why are velocity checks important?

Besides being highly customizable and integratable with existing systems, velocity rules can help identify several threats, such as account takeover (ATO) fraud, chargeback fraud, and synthetic fraud.

Do velocity checks generate false positives?

Unfortunately, no anti-fraud solution is perfect on its own. There’s a genuine risk that velocity checks could generate false positives and stop legitimate buyers from completing purchases. The odds of this happening are low, but it’s possible if you’re over-relying on velocity checks as an indicator.

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