We're proud to announce the launch of our 2024 Merchant Chargeback Survey!
This annual inquiry asks merchants in a variety of verticals — physical retail, travel, ticketing, digital goods, and more — to share their first-hand experiences. The goal is to develop a better understanding of the current state of friendly fraud, first-party misuse and chargeback management within eCommerce and card-not-present (CNP) transactions.
TAKE THE SURVEYInsights from the Merchant Chargeback Survey are used to produce the annual Chargeback Field Report. Last year’s report, presented in tandem with Digital Commerce 360, drew on input from hundreds of respondents, from small businesses to enterprise merchants.
Last year’s report produced some fascinating insights; for instance, the fact that friendly fraud was a much larger concern than criminal fraud. When asked to estimate the percentage of chargebacks that were the result of friendly fraud, merchants reported an average of 44%. Retailers making more than $100 million in annual revenue were more likely to identify disputes as friendly fraud.
What will this year’s report show? The only to find out is to get first-hand input from merchants like you! If you have ten minutes to spare, click below and make your voice heard!