Chargebacks911® is Committed to Giving Back to Our Community
Our 50 in 50 Challenge may be over…but our mission has just begun! We at Chargebacks911 took it upon ourselves to continue the weekly charitable donations for local organizations with our Take Charge for Charity program. We’re helping those who represent the best of our community to do what they do.
Feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, supporting the vulnerable…we’re looking to support these and other worthwhile causes. Together, we can help make our communities a better place to live for everyone!
Here are our March beneficiaries:
Kind Mouse Productions, Inc.
The Kind Mouse are dedicated to serving more than 36,000 people in Pinellas County living with chronic hunger and food insecurity. They also provide training and mentorship programs.
Keep Pinellas Beautiful
Keep Pinellas Beautiful's focuses include litter prevention, waste reduction, conservation, and community greening. Our team members also decided to get some fresh air by participating in a beach clean up for Earth Day!
Children's Cancer Center
The Children's Cancer Center is dedicated to helping children and families with emotional, financial, and educational support, plus services like art therapy, counseling, community outreach, and summer camps.
Blanket Tampa Bay
Blanket Tampa Bay's mission is to serve the homeless through distribution of hygiene products and blankets, as well as through partnerships with soup kitchens and food banks.