Chargebacks911® COO Interviewed by Authority Magazine

Monica Eaton on Why We Need More Women Founders

Chargebacks911 COO Monica Eaton is a passionate advocate for women in business. In a new interview featured in Authority Magazine, Monica examines why we need more women founders, and what’s being done to make that happen.

Authority Magazine is a digital publication devoted to sharing thought leadership and interviews with well-respected authorities in business, film, sports, and technology. They use these interviews to draw out stories that are both empowering and actionable for their thousands of readers.

Monica suggests that, while women have access to more opportunities today compared to in past eras, certain historical trends continue to make success in business extra challenging for them.

“[Women] may not have as many opportunities for mentorship and advancement as their male counterparts,” Monica suggests. “If you think about it, if most of the people in positions of power are male, they are more likely to empower other men.”

Monica is proud of her position and her accomplishments. However, she also takes her position as a role model seriously and wants to leverage her success to help other young women find their path forward.

“Ultimately, I believe that female leaders in STEM fields need to serve as role models toward students and young women. This will illustrate that these jobs are an option for them and will hopefully inspire them to follow their dreams if they aspire to pursue a career in tech or science.”

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