4 Key Market Components Will Drive Future eCommerce Growth

Chargebacks911® COO Monica Eaton’s New Feature for Grit Daily

How can retailers reach Millennial and Gen-Z consumers in the next decade? Monica Eaton explores how to navigate the market of the near-future in a new guest feature for Grit Daily.

GritDaily is a leading news source for information on brands, fashion, tech, influencers, entrepreneurship, and life. The site reaches thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs around the world each day.

“You can’t rely on past truisms and expect them to hold up over the next decade,” Monica explains. “Thus, reaching the increasingly-important late-Millennial and Gen-Z age cohort probably requires a reimagining of key elements within your business model. That begs the question: how do you develop a strategy to attract, serve, and ultimately retain young buyers? I believe the key lies in analyzing some of the trends currently shaping the future of the market.”

Merchants need to examine their customer experience, business model, infrastructure, and technologies. All of these elements are evolving, and the only way to stay relevant is to change with consumer expectations. And, as Monica explains, the same is true for preventing fraud.

“One thing of which we can be sure: bad actors will look to manipulate new technologies and practices to their advantage.”

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